Review the Relationship between EVA and the Size of the Listed Co. in Auto Industry


1 Assistant Professor of Accounting, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

2 M.A. of Management, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.


Economic value added (EVA) has been getting plenty of attention in recent years as a new form of performance measurement.It measures the true financial performance of a company, and a strategy for creating corporate and shareholder’s wealth.. This concept was developed by Stern Stewart at the beginning of the 1982s. It says that profit only exists after a business has earnings that are greater than the opportunity cost of its capital charge (capital × weighted average cost of capital ). So three elements used in calculating EVA are oprating income after tax, investment in assets, and the cost of capital.If the amount is positive, the company has created wealth. If the EVA is negative, the company is consuming capital, rather than generating welth. The company ’s goal is to have positive and increasing EVA. In this study we examine the relationship between firm’s size in listed co. at Auto Industry for the period of 1380 to 1384.  Thus we considered the effect of firm’s size on creating value. We showed how to adjust the accounting profit and capital to arrive at economic value added (EVA).  In this study firm’s size is measured as total sale and other factors like market value, total assets and number of employees. We have used two categories of information for studing. The first, our library studies, and the second are as secondary information in the form of derivated financial information from financial statements of companies. We used Pooled Least Squares to test the relationship between EVA  and total sales, market value & total assets . Our results showed that there are a direct relationship between them.Also we couldn’t find any relation between EVA & and number of employees (that has been tested with fix effect method).


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