Study of Factors affecting on energy Consumption in agricultural sector of Iran


1 Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.

2 M.A. of Agricultural Economics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.


Today world is, expansion economic and industrial world. This process taken more hurry in period of ten days. Energy is as trade goods most share in world trade, for human activity prosperous mach importance, Iran carried to account as one country growthing and containing of rich and wide sources energy and oil bigs tanks, energy is one of meaning pattern growth with pressure on natural source. Agricultural sector is one of energy consumption sectors. Energy is as consumption factors importance special in agricultural sector. The results obtained approve that energy consumption including oil and electricity increased in different years ago with increase production and value additional. In this paper with use of nervous network calculated importance coefficients of effective factors on energy consumption in agricultural sector. Then forecasted energy consumption in this sector with Autoregressive model. The results appear energy consumption intensity, share of agricultural sector in economic and GDP factors, with use of nervous network and econometric method have high positive effective on energy consumption in agricultural sector.


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