Future Research for Financing of the Railway Transportation Infrastructure Project (Golgohar Mine)

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D Student of Economic, Sahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.



Objective: Sirjan city has increased the economic importance of Kerman province. Sirjan is the main transit point for goods to eastern Iran, as well as Europe and the Persian Gulf and the return route of all commercial goods is from Shahid Rajaei port of Hormozgan to Central Asian countries, Caucasus and Russia. This city has a significant role and position as a special economic hub based on the advantages of docking, in the economic structure of Kerman province and in the future, the importance of this economic position will increase. Also, Golgohar mining region with iron ore rich mines as one of the most important active mining and industrial hubs in the Middle East, has many potentials to become a large and competitive region in Iran and even in the world. Golgohar Mining and Industrial Company, as one of the main players in the region, with a production capacity of 8.5 million tons of concentrate and 5 million tons of pellets, has highlighted its role in the country's steel industry and as a special economic hub based on the advantages of docking, it has a significant role and position in the economic structure of Kerman province. also in the future, the importance of this economic position will increase. Whereas the role of transport in economic development and the creation of incentives to increase investment in this regard is undeniable; The process of selecting different transportation systems and combining them with each other is an important matter in planning the optimal development of Kerman province, because in the absence of the necessary information, transportation decisions regarding the existing demand are made based on experience.
Methods: In this study, demand function of carrying minerals in the rail transportation system of Golgohar mine estimated with econometrics technique and panel data model during the period 2011-2017. And while introducing the factors affecting the demand for mineral transportation by rail, using the neural network, the future trend of demand for rail transportation of minerals has been predicted.
Findings: The results indicate, value added of the mining sector, tonnage cargo of cargo road transported , cost of freight by train and cargo revenue are the most important variables and they have significant impact and effective on the demand for rail transportation of Golgohar minerals. The inelasticity of the demand for rail transportation of minerals in relation to freight costs by train was also confirmed in this study. Variables not only affect demand for rail transportation, but also a significant impact on the income of producers, industrialists, railroad and eventually to consumer prices. Because minerals as a factor in generating transportation costs has a high share in the cost price.
Conclusion: Care should be taken to determine the choice of shipping method according to the time. Therefore, due to the lack of rail facilities and side lines in all areas of demand, at present, only the proposed solutions can be satisfied in the short term.


Main Subjects

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