Investigating the Effect of Effective Factors on E-Commerce Diffusion: Case Study of Iran's Major Trading Partners

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A. of Economy, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Economy, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.



Objective: The method of collecting information is library, which has been collected by using online resources and reviewing and viewing various articles, dissertations and books. The information used in this study is in the form of tabular data (2011-2016) from the national accounts statistics of the Statistics Center of Iran, the Central Bank, the World Bank, the World Information Technology Report, the United Nations Statistics Division and the IMF Global Economic Outlook Database. And the tenth version of the GTAP database is extracted.
This study examines the effects of international institutional forces on the dissemination of B2B e-commerce during the period (2011-2016) and several control variables. This study is for Iran and the countries of Iran's major trading partners including 35 countries including Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, UAE, USA, France, Japan, China, South Korea, Netherlands, Hong Kong, Azerbaijan, Germany, Australia, Belgium, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brazil, Spain, Kazakhstan, Russia, Italy, Turkey, Thailand, India, Tajikistan, Egypt, Pakistan, Canada, the United Kingdom and Iran and the rest of the world, including countries that trade in the two Side with Iran, they have a small role.
Methods: Research variables include the diffusion of B2B e-commerce, Coercion pressure from export dependence, Mimetic pressures from foreign competition, Normative pressure from global cohesive trade relationships, Internet access, economic development and global shared knowledge. The method of collecting information is the library, which has been collected by using online resources and reviewing and viewing various articles, dissertations and books. The analysis of relationships between variables is based on the modified GLS pattern in the form of composite data.
Results: The results of the final estimation of the regression function showed that the acceptance of the dependent variable (B2B e-commerce dissemination) can affect some predictors such as complexity and dependence on exports, etc. In such a case, the endogenous variable may be related to the predictors. The diffusion of B2B e-commerce, Coercion pressure from export dependence, Mimetic pressures from foreign competition, Normative pressure from global cohesive trade relationships, Internet access, economic development and global shared knowledge has a positive and significant relationship with the diffusion of e-commerce expansion (dependent variable).
Conclusion: Unlike previous research, which has focused primarily on national institutions to examine the dissemination of ICT-related innovations, this study provides insight into the mechanisms for the spread of B2B e-commerce technologies worldwide, showing that embedding in The modern global community is shifting local companies. Ways of using B2B e-commerce This study shows that the rationalization of B2B e-commerce at the national level is not simply the result of endogenous institutional frameworks on a national basis; Rather, it essentially reflects the institutional and business links with the more rational B2B e-commerce movements in the modern global community. This study links a country's move toward B2B e-commerce to the movement of its core counterparts around the world. The pressures imposed comply with the institutionalized rules in a country's network. Coherent trade relations between countries create normative patterns that facilitate the rationality and dissemination of B2B e-commerce. Similarly, the exchange of technical knowledge between experts from commercial countries is expanding B2B e-commerce. High levels of scientific and technical skills and a competitive environment are of particular importance. These factors have been shown to have a positive effect on the importer of B2B e-commerce technology as well as the country's capacity to attract it. Many countries are working to increase the spread of e-commerce technologies in their economies; So policymakers can use education systems to demonstrate the importance of B2B e-commerce. This will disseminate the required knowledge about related technologies. It also creates common norms among experts on the importance of B2B e-commerce in the country. Policymakers need to encourage policies that ensure greater transparency in global markets. Transparency in business relationships is an important source of new information, modern technology and best practices. The last major contributor is B2B e-commerce vendors to educate the community about the factors that are significantly associated with B2B e-commerce dissemination. With such information, they can develop more efficient and effective strategies for upgrading their B2B e-commerce software. For example, vendors need to target both leading companies and their affiliates around the world because they adopt B2B e-commerce at the same time. The proposed framework also addresses the role of market complexity and recognizes that the expansion of B2B e-commerce is also driven by efficiency incentives. Policymakers can ensure the right business environment to attract foreign technology transfers, including B2B e-commerce. For example, policymakers can improve the ICT infrastructure to facilitate companies' ability to respond to foreign technology transfers in their own countries.The pressure imposed by The Coercion pressure from export dependence has a positive and significant effect on the diffusion of e-commerce. In other words, with the increase of dependence on exports, the rate of diffusion of e-commerce increases. Internet access also has a positive and significant effect on the diffusion of e-commerce. Normative pressure from global cohesive trade relationships between countries have a positive effect on the diffusion of e-commerce. Mimetic pressures from foreign competition also have an impact on the diffusion of e-commerce and are significant. global shared knowledge also has a positive effect on the diffusion of e-commerce. The pressures imposed comply with the institutionalized rules in a country's network.


Main Subjects

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