Analytical Study of the Level of Attention to Some Selected Economic Components in Selected Primary School Textbooks in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.

2 Ph.D Candidate in Economics, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran.



Objective: The purpose of this article is to investigate and explain the amount of attention paid to the selected economic components and its analysis in the content of selected official education books of the elementary school in Iran (including document content analysis).
In the country of Iran, all textbooks in the formal education system are prepared and adjusted based on the document on the new development of the education system, which is an abstract of the national document and all the upper documents set in the strategic plan of education in the whole country.
The main question of the research that pursues the goal is: Is there enough attention paid to selected economic areas and components in the contents of selected primary school textbooks (which are written based on the guidelines of the fundamental transformation document or upstream documents) in a way which can be a generator of wealth and create economic growth and prosperity in the country in the future by influencing the thinking and behavior of students?
Sub questions.
In the content of selected elementary school books (academic year 97-98), which of the educational fields (knowledge, attitude, skill) has been given more attention?
In the contents of the selected elementary school books (academic year 97-98), which of the selected economic components has been given more attention?
 Method: The selection of these components is based on the theoretical foundations of classical economics in the description of "rational man" and the theory of Inkels in the description of "modern man" and includes the most important components of achieving development. The statistical population includes 10 volumes of books selected from the elementary school, whose reliability and face validity have been checked and confirmed by experts. Analytical research community: In this research, a total of 10 volumes of elementary school books were examined as follows:
- All Persian primary school books in all grades.
- All elementary school social studies books in all grades.
- Sixth grade thinking and research.
Based on the theoretical foundations related to the modern human being and with emphasis on the three areas of knowledge, attitude and skills, a set of economic components were extracted and then their formal and conceptual validity and their suitability with the subject of the article were calculated by several experts. In order to carry out content analysis, the initial 25 components were converted and divided into sub-components or selected objective and behavioral economic manifestations, and in this way, a content verification checklist was formed transparently and operationally. It should be noted that in the text of the books (statistical society), the following components have been investigated and counted, either openly, or the themes that have been mentioned. Some of these components are: giving importance to material life, importance to increasing productivity and efficiency and finding new ways of doing things, a sense of patriotism as a motivation to advance society, opposition to traditions that are against development, belief in human power. In overcoming nature and going through the steps of progress towards progress regularly and continuously, and...
 Results: The results of the research count showed that only about 3.4 percent (7463 words out of 219069 words) of the total words counted in these books are dedicated to selected economic components. According to the obtained results and in response to the first sub-question of the research (in the contents of the selected primary school books, which of the educational fields has been given more attention?), it can be said: The most attention has been given to the attitudinal area and the least amount of attention to the knowledge area.
And in response to the second sub-question of the research (in the contents of the selected primary school books, which of the selected economic characteristics has been given more attention?), it should be said: in all the selected primary school books, the patriotism component with 19 frequency has the highest rate and the resource value component with 1 frequency have the lowest number of counts (Table 2).
Finally, according to the analysis of the results obtained from this research and in response to the main question, is the content of the selected primary school textbooks sufficiently focused on the selected economic areas and components, in such a way that it can influence thinking in the future? And the behavior of the students will generate wealth and create economic growth and prosperity in the country?
 Conclusion: The results of this study indicate little attention to the selected economic components in selected primary school textbooks.


Main Subjects

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