Presenting and validating the implementation model of public higher education policies of the country in line with the realization of the Entrepreneur university

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Public administration, Islamic Azad University, Kerman. Iran

2 Public administration-Islamic Azad University-Khomein-Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Theology and Islamic Studies, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran.

4 Public administration-Islamic Azad University-Kerman, Iran

5 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran.




The sustainable development of the country requires the establishment and formation of the innovation system, knowledge-based industry and entrepreneurial university, and this depends on the relationship based on coexistence and mutual cooperation between the industry and the scientific system and higher education. So, attention to entrepreneurship and innovation in Iran has been taken into consideration at the same time as the fourth development plan, and over time, it has been mentioned in other high-level documents including the general employment policies notified by the Supreme Leader. Therefore, this study aims to provide a model for the implementation of the general policies of the higher education entrepreneurship ecosystem of the country based on the general employment policies of the Supreme Leader.


Public policies are defined as a set of laws and regulations established by competent authorities in the country and act as a model and guide for decision-making and actions in society. Public policy is a set of decisions taken by the government in the name of the public and is implemented in the form of regulations and orders, and has direct or indirect effects on the lives of all citizens (Malek Mohammadi, 2015). Factors such as citizens' participation, accountability mechanisms, management actions, staff experience at the national level (Chompucot, 2011), the scope of policy changes and the number of actors (Poorkiani, Salajegheh, & Zare Poor Nasirabadi, 2014), policy beneficiaries, receiving feedback and using information are related to the effective implementation of the policy. With the beginning of the 21st century, higher education has become increasingly important. Basically, the role of higher education is to create fundamental changes at the university and consequently in society. In today's world, where changes are accelerating every day, new challenges arise in society; Therefore, in order to face new conditions and challenges, it is very necessary to pay attention to the development of entrepreneurship capabilities and promote its spirit in graduates and even students. Unlike modern first-generation universities which are educational and second-generation universities which are research universities, third-generation universities are generally based on entrepreneurship and solving society's problems with a scientific and systematic approach in interaction with the surrounding environment. In addition, the study of the labor market shows that the problem of employment and unemployment exists in all countries, especially in developing countries, with severity and weaknesses. Some of the clauses of the general employment policies announced by the Supreme Leader also directly imply more emphasis on entrepreneurship; including promoting and strengthening the culture of work, production, entrepreneurship, and the use of domestic products as an Islamic and national value by taking advantage of the educational and propaganda system of the country; Training of skilled and efficient human resources according to the needs of the market; promoting entrepreneurship with the responsibility of the country's educational system; combining education and skills and attracting the cooperation of economic enterprises to use their capacity.

Materials and Methods

In terms of purpose, this is an applied research with an exploratory nature. Based on library studies, basic data, and through semi-structured interviews and researcher-made questionnaires, supplementary data were collected. content analysis method, in the form of six steps (acquaintance with the data, creation of initial codes, content search, content review, content definition and naming, and preparation of report) was used to analyze the interviews. Also, Maxquda software was used. Then, by using the fuzzy Delphi technique, a group consensus was reached regarding the content analysis result. Using internal, external, and structural validity, the validity of the research and by referring to the Holsti coefficient the reliability of the research was confirmed. Finally, in order to identify and design the research model, the method of structural-interpretive modeling and MicMac software was used.

Discussion and Results

Based on the content analysis of the interviews, 314 codes were identified in the open coding stage. Then, based on concepts and semantic proximity, axial coding was done. Thus, 314 identified codes were categorized into 60 concepts and 13 categories. Then, using the fuzzy Delphi method, the identified concepts were validated. In the first round of Delphi, four concepts were and in the second round of Delphi, two concepts were eliminated because they scored less than 0.7. In the third round of Delphi, no indicators were removed, but, for more certainty, Delphi was continued for one more round. In addition, the distance between the final values of the third and fourth rounds was estimated to be less than 0.2, which proves the completion of the Delphi rounds. Finally, 13 structures were determined to provide the initial model of implementing the general policies of the ecosystem, which were entered into the structural self-interaction matrix.


The model of implementing the general policies of the ecosystem includes 13 structures, the role of the government, the role of legislators, cultural infrastructure, educational and research infrastructure, financial infrastructure, the interactions of institutions and networks, management and human resources, the environment (social, economic and political), the structure of executive organizations, the implementation of entrepreneurial ecosystem policies, the implementation of Islamic ecosystem policies, general employment policies and the realization of the third generation university were compiled. Thus, the third-generation university was placed at the first level. The implementation of entrepreneur ecosystem policies and the implementation of Islamic ecosystem policies were placed at the second level; educational and research infrastructure, management and human resources, and the structure of executive organizations were placed at the third level; the infrastructure of financial works and institutions and networks were placed at the fourth level, the role of the government and legislators were placed at the fifth level. finally, the increase of cultural infrastructure, environment (social, economic, and political), and general policies was placed at the sixth level.


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 07 March 2023
  • Receive Date: 16 December 2022
  • Revise Date: 05 March 2023
  • Accept Date: 07 March 2023