Hierarchical analysis (AHP) of factors affecting supply chain financing in small and medium enterprises (SMEs)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD student in accounting, Islamic Azad University, Kashan branch, Kashan, Iran

2 Assistant professor, Department of Accounting, Kashan branch, Islamic Azad University, Kashan, Iran

3 Assistant professor, Department of Accounting, Kashan branch, Islamic Azad University, Kashan, Iran.



Objective: According to the type and objectives of the study, the current research has a developmental-applied approach, and in terms of implementation and data analysis method, it has a quantitative approach. In this research, we seek to identify the factors that can affect the financing of the chain, so that we can finally present these factors with the importance of each of them. From the point of view of the method of data collection, the upcoming research is a descriptive research, the purpose of which is to know more about the existing conditions. It is very clear that the library method (internal and external books and articles) was used in this research and for data analysis according to the weighting of the identified criteria, it will lead to the ranking of the effective components in the field of supply chain financing in SMEs .In general, the goal is that after determining the desired criteria and indicators, according to the study of related domestic and foreign books and articles, as well as the opinion of experts, a weight is assigned to each of the criteria with the help of the Fuzzy Hierarchy Analysis Process (FAHP). In the next step, the desired options are ranked according to the determined weights. In the upcoming research, we have used three interviews in a step-by-step manner. The experts who cooperated with us to answer the interview questions; Generally, they are financial managers and have specialized degrees in the field of financing.

Methods: Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play an important role in the development of the economy, but it should be considered that in general, due to the instability of business, low credit and lack of assets for collateral, providing capital for continuous activities and Sustainable development is difficult for SMEs. Also, due to the economic crisis, customer payment problems and high price fluctuations, companies are facing the risk of bankruptcy on the one hand and the need for financing on the other hand. In other words, credit crunches, shortages, and high borrowing costs all create barriers for small and medium enterprises that need access to risk-free credit to manage their net working capital, and all of these things lead to this. It turns out that such businesses face one very big obstacle to their growth: financing. Without liquidity to support investment and innovation, economic growth suffers. If liquidity can be released into the working capital of supply chains, these chains will become stronger and more competitive, strengthening the economy as a whole. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to create credit information sharing mechanisms that promote bank lending to SMEs. Our country also strives to increase the growth and development of SMEs in every aspect, to gain operational excellence, to earn profit or create employment, but the existence of SCF barriers makes it difficult to achieve this in SMEs. Therefore, a critical analysis of SCF barriers is necessary to understand how they affect the SME market, and since most of the research in the field of finance and accounting in Iran has been conducted around companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange, and considering the importance It is mentioned that for the mentioned companies in the sustainable economy, the research gap in the field is clearly visible. Therefore, the aim of this research is to identify different dimensions affecting SCF and analyze their position and rank in this chain.

Results: As can be seen, the findings state that the value of the inconsistency rate (IR) is equal to 0.06, which indicates the compatibility of paired comparisons, and it is possible to continue the path for the AHP steps, and there is no need to review the paired comparisons. Finally, after performing fuzzy calculations (AHP), the weight of each dimension or index was determined.

Conclusion: Based on the findings of the research and according to the identified components and categories such as causal conditions, intervenors, background and strategies after conducting the research and obtaining the required data and information from the output of the Excel software, the questions and objectives of the research can be answered. The first question was, what are the factors affecting supply chain financing in small and medium enterprises (SMEs)? After reviewing the related studies and articles and books as well as the conducted surveys, we reached 25 criteria, and after asking the experts and experts and applying the existing restrictions, we reached the final 9 dimensions related to supply chain financing in small and medium-sized companies. The second question was related to the weight of the criteria (what is the weight of the identified components affecting supply chain financing?) To answer the question, the fuzzy hierarchical analysis process method was used. For this purpose, an interview was conducted with experts under the title of paired comparisons of criteria. Then, using the fuzzy hierarchical analysis process, the weight of the dimensions and criteria was determined, and the calculations, outputs, and the final graph of the weights were determined and analyzed using Excel software. After determining the weights of the dimensions and criteria, the results showed that the dimensions of the financial solution, working capital management, credit rating and risk management were respectively assigned the highest weights and the rest of the dimensions were placed in the next ranks and as can be seen As expected, financial dimensions had the greatest impact in the field under investigation.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 09 January 2024
  • Receive Date: 15 November 2023
  • Revise Date: 07 January 2024
  • Accept Date: 09 January 2024