Predicting Career Decision Making Self-Efficacy Based on Multiple Intelligence, Skills Confidence According to the Moderating Role of Gender and Field of Study in Students of Shahid Bahonar University in Kerman

Document Type : Research Paper


1 General Psychology, Islamic Azad University Zarand Branch, Zarand, Iran

2 psychology, Islamic Azad University Zarand Branch, Zarand, Iran

3 Consulting, Islamic Azad University Zarand Branch, Zarand, Iran




Objective: The aim of this study was to predict the career decision making self-efficacy based on multiple intelligence and skills confidence according to the moderating role of gender and field of study. The statistical population of this research consists of 13921 students of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman in the academic year 1401-1400.

Methods: The study method was applied in purpose, correlation in terms of data collection and structural equation analysis. Using Multi-stage sampling, a sample of 374 people (142 male and 232 female) was examined. In this study, measurement tools are: Career decision-making self-efficacy scale (CDMSE)، multiple intelligence questionnaire (MIQ), and skills confidence inventory (SCI). Structural equation approach and Spss26 and Smart-PLS3 software were used to analyze and test the research hypotheses.

First, a list of all faculties of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman was prepared. then, two courses were randomly selected from each faculty and in the next stage, one class was randomly selected from each course. At the time of the classes, we went to the university and research questionnaires were distributed among the students. After explaining the purpose of the research and keeping the results confidential, they were asked to answer each of the questionnaires according to the instructions. According to the required volume for sampling and elimination of incomplete and incorrect questionnaires, finally 34 questionnaires from each faculty were analyzed.

Results: The number of students in each field was 34. 232 students (62%) were female and 142 (38%) were male. The age of the students was as follows: 4.37% under 25 years old, 8.39% between 25 and 30 years old, 7.17% between 31 and 35 years old, 4% between 36 and 40 years old and .1.1% are over 40 years old. The quality indicators of the measurement model show that skills confidence has a positive and significant effect on the Career decision-making self-efficacy The estimated coefficient is equal to 0.440, which is significant at the level of 99%. Multiple intelligence has a positive and significant effect directly on the Career decision-making self-efficacy. The estimated coefficient is equal to 0.431, which is significant at the level of 99%. Gender does not directly affect the Career decision-making self-efficacy. The estimated coefficient is 0.018, which is not significant. The field of study does not directly affect the Career decision-making self-efficacy. The estimated coefficient is 0.021, which is not significant. The field of study plays a moderating role on the relationship between multiple intelligence and Career decision-making self-efficacy. The estimated coefficient is equal to 0.483, which is significant at the level of 99%. The field of study does not play a moderating role on the relationship between skills confidence and Career decision-making self-efficacy. The estimated coefficient is equal to -0.007 which is not significant. Gender does not play a moderating role in the relationship between skills confidence and Career decision-making self-efficacy. The estimated coefficient is -0.011 which is not significant. Gender does not play a moderating role on the relationship between belief in multiple intelligences and Career decision-making self-efficacy. The estimated coefficient is equal to -0.002 which is not significant.

The results showed that the two variables of multiple intelligence and skills confidence directly affect the career decision-making self-efficacy. These findings are consistent with the results of studies that modeled Gardner's theory and program based on increasing self-efficacy and decision-making power in job selection (Shearer, 2009; Taylor, 2007). Also, the research results of Betz and Hackett (1997), Flotz and Luzo (1998) and Goshu (2006) have shown that abilities can increase students' self-efficacy and facilitate their career guidance (Betz & Hackett, 1997; Foltz et al Luzzo, 1998; Gushue, 2006). Regarding self-efficacy resources, which are personal experiences and are related to Gardner's personal factors and abilities, research was conducted that was able to increase their self-efficacy with an intervention plan for participants (Anderson & Betz, 2001). The findings related to the effect of skills confidence on the Career decision-making self-efficacy are consistent with two types of research fields, content and process, in the topic of career self-efficacy (Betz, 2006).

Other results showed that the field of study has a moderating role in the relationship between multiple intelligences and Career decision-making self-efficacy of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. This finding shows the importance of the field of study in the career process. These results were consistent with previous research (Fabio et al, 2013). In this research, gender as a moderating variable had no effect on the prediction of career decision-making self-efficacy. In order to further investigate the role of gender, especially in relation to skills confidence, it is suggested that this research be carried out on other samples of male and female students.

Conclusion: In general, from the obtained findings, it can be concluded that people are different in terms of Gardner's multiple intelligence, which is considered as talent, and the career decision-making self-efficacy process and, accordingly, job selection can be affected by it. And the growth of talent facilitates decision-making in choosing a job. On the other hand, the effectiveness of skills confidence in the process of career decision-making, provides the need to learn skills according to one's interest and then increase self-efficacy in that field. Therefore, planning on this basis for career development is of great importance, the more appropriate it is to the individual's talent and self-efficacy, the easier it will be to develop sustainable employment and prevent the waste of time, energy and capital of the individual and the society. In this way, it can be considered one of the first and basic steps for the development of the country.


Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 01 January 2023
  • Receive Date: 04 July 2022
  • Revise Date: 02 December 2022
  • Accept Date: 01 January 2023